HOPE – Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects
Serving Addison County since 1965
HOPE’s mission is to improve the lives of low income people in Addison County, Vermont, by working with individuals to identify and secure the resources needed to meet their own basic needs.
Since 1965, HOPE, originally formed as the Addison County Community Action Group (ACCAG), has been providing a wide variety of programs to low income people.
Our offerings are dynamic and flexible, responding to meet the evolving needs of our population.
Rather than saying “this is what we do,” we sit down with people and ask “what do you need?” Then, we go to work to find the best way to help.
How we can help
We assist low income individuals and families in many ways, depending on their needs and circumstances. Among the many things we offer are:
Nutritious food from our food shelf, fresh local produce, food safety and food preparation tips;
Financial assistance with housing and utilities;
Assistance to persons experiencing homelessness including camping gear, emergency hotel rooms, laundry vouchers, referrals and service coordination;
Budget counseling for people who want to better manage their limited incomes;
Help with urgent medical and dental needs;
Job-related assistance including tools, uniforms, tests and other items needed to get or keep paid employment.
And more …